Captain Sternn, Running Out of Time #1 - Bernie Wrightson art & cover + 1st issue

Captain Sternn, Running Out of Time #1 cover by Bernie Wrightson
Bernie Wrightson
Captain Sternn, Running Out of Time #1, 1993 - Captain Sternn was a Bernie Wrightson character introduced in Heavy Metal magazine, subsequently making an appearance in the 1980s film of the same name. This limited series continues his adventures with Wrightson both writing and illustrating. Although lengthy, the artist allows two splash pages for momentary pauses. His artwork meets expectations, but is slightly diminished by another inker. Shepherd Hendrix does an adequate job, but adds little to the overall aesthetic. The best panels are those that incorporate Wrightson's well known use of shadows. This is 1 of 5 Captain Sternn, Running Out of Time issues by Wrightson. /// key 1st issue
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Wrightson cover pencils and inks = ***
Wrightson story pencils (Shepherd Hendrix inks) 48 pages = ***

Captain Sternn, Running Out of Time #1 page by Bernie Wrightson
Bernie Wrightson
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Captain Sternn, Running Out of Time #1 - Bernie Wrightson art & cover + 1st issue Captain Sternn, Running Out of Time #1 - Bernie Wrightson art & cover + 1st issue Reviewed by Ted F on 5:25 PM Rating: 5

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