Fantastic Four #132 - Jim Steranko cover

Fantastc Four v1 #132 marvel comic book cover art by Jim Steranko
Jim Steranko
Fantastic Four v1 #132, 1973 - Quite possibly Jim Steranko's worst cover, the Fantastic Four confront the giant-sized Omega. The frenetic scene squeezes in far too many characters (is the guy placed between Mr. Fantastic's head and arm really necessary?). Additionally, the layout lacks breathing room and a clear hierarchy of secondary elements. Other artists in this bronze age comic include John Buscema. This is 3 of 3 Fantastic Four issues by Steranko. /// Steranko gallery
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Steranko cover pencils (Joe Sinnott inks) = *

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Fantastic Four #132 - Jim Steranko cover Fantastic Four #132 - Jim Steranko cover Reviewed by Ted F on 8:23 AM Rating: 5


inkdestroyedmybrush said...

i might make the observation that i don't believe that steranko would use the foreshortening that is shown on the omega figure. I would make the guess that the omega figure was changes, perhaps to accomodate a gil kane figure (or swipe). The entire omega figure is more kane than steranko.

Booksteve said...

I'm not sure that I ever realized this cover was by Steranko. Is it signed? It's the Omega figure that looks so un-Steranko-like. I do see it in the smaller characters.

Anonymous said...

This cover was altered quite a bit from Steranko's original pencils. Marie Severin added some additional art and figures in the background and some changes appear to have occured in the inking stage by Frank Giacoia (not Sinnott). I agree that this is a very slopppy cover, too many hands involved, like many 1970s Marvel covers.

Nick Caputo

M W Gallaher said...

What a mess! And how about the ungrammatical balloon: "Until at last destroy you!"? Where's the subject?!

Anonymous said...

The pencil sketch was published in one of Steranko's art books. It is hard to see Steranko since it was altered so much in the inking and additional art. The pencil sketch is not one of Steranko's most innovative, but it's much better than the published piece.

Nick Caputo

Tony Robertson said...

The book with the original Steranko art for this cover is called Steranko: Visual Theory Volume 1. I can scan it for you, and then you can post it beside the travesty that was printed.

Ted F said...

That would be helpful. Thanks!

Tony Robertson said...

I have posted the artwork here:

Please feel free to download it and add it to your site. Another idea would be to include Steranko's rejected covers for Tower of Shadows #1 and Captain America #113, and The HULK annual with the Steranko drawn Hulk head. If you like this idea, I can provide scans.

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