Twisted Tales #10 - Bernie Wrightson art

Twisted Tales #10
Twisted Tales v1 #10, 1984 - An old trapper recounts a story of being trapped in the mountains during the dead of winter. For such a short tale, Bernie Wrightson pleasantly surprises readers with an impressive display of artistic effort. Painterly and richly colored, each panel contributes to the eerie mood of the story. Other artists in this copper age horror comic include Bill Wray and Attilio Miceluzzi. This is 2 of 2 Twisted Tales issues by Wrightson.
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"Egg in Your Beer" Wrightson painted story 4 pages = ***

Twisted Tales v1 #10 - Bernie Wrightson horror comic book page art
Bernie Wrightson
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Twisted Tales #10 - Bernie Wrightson art Twisted Tales #10 - Bernie Wrightson art Reviewed by Ted F on 12:31 PM Rating: 5


Comic Book Blog said...

Berni Wrightson willl always be 'The Man.'

Noel said...

Gloriously loving cover by John Pound!

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