Jet Fighters #7 - Alex Toth art

Jet Fighters #7
Jet Fighters v1 #7, 1953 - A jet pilot has numerous sightings of a UFO, leading his superiors to question his sanity and his comrades to chide him. Plenty of dialogue crowds the smaller panels in this short story. Alex Toth does his best to tell it efficiently and straightforwardly, perhaps too much so. The opening panel is the story's largest but too conservative to elicit excitement. Toth's multiple vantage points on subsequent pages are composed more interestingly. Other artists in this golden age war comic include Ross Andru, Mike Esposito, Mort Meskin and John Celardo. This is 2 of 2 Jet Fighters issues by Toth.
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"Seely's Saucer" Toth story pencils (Mike Peppe inks) 6 pages = ***

Jet Fighters v1 #7 standard war comic book page art by Alex Toth
Alex Toth
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Jet Fighters #7 - Alex Toth art Jet Fighters #7 - Alex Toth art Reviewed by Ted F on 4:45 PM Rating: 5

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