Original Swamp Thing Saga / DC Special Series #2 - Bernie Wrightson cover & reprints, key reprint

Bernie Wrightson
Original Swamp Thing Saga / DC Special Series #2, 1977 - A scant five years after the first series premiered, DC reprints both Swamp Thing #1 and #2 in this special issue. The colors are pale and the inks lose some definition compared to the originals. To compensate, Bernie Wrightson produces an excellent new cover combining characters from both stories. An enraged Swamp Thing metes out justice while the deformed Un-Men look on from the background. It's extraordinary in its design and detailing, rivaling his best covers of the early 1970s. The wrap-around cover, a rarity for Wrightson, makes the issue that much more appealing. This is 1 of 2 DC Special Series issues by Wrightson. /// Wrightson gallery
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Wrightson wrap around cover pencils and inks = ****

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Original Swamp Thing Saga / DC Special Series #2 - Bernie Wrightson cover & reprints, key reprint Original Swamp Thing Saga / DC Special Series #2 - Bernie Wrightson cover & reprints, key reprint Reviewed by Ted F on 11:04 PM Rating: 5


tom said...

The first Wrightson comic I ever bought. I'll always have a warm spot in my heart for it.

Ted F said...

Mine was House of Mystery #186 (see post). I found it in a used bookstore in the late 70s and have been hooked on Berni's work ever since.

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