Love Confessions #39 - Matt Baker art

Love Confessions #39
Love Confessions v1 #39, 1954Matt Baker's romance tales for Quality Comics are fewer in number and generally less well known. Interestingly, his artwork for this issue is not immediately recognizable due to a difference in inking style. This unknown collaborator appears to have drawn other stories within the book but most importantly, he maintains the integrity of Baker's pencils. While the opening scene lacks zest, the contrast between the troubled main characters and an idyllic couple in the background is a nice touch. Other artists in this golden age romance comic include Sam Citron. This is 1 of 3 Love Confessions issues by Baker.
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"A Daydream Romance" Baker story pencils 7 pages = ***

Matt Baker
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Love Confessions #39 - Matt Baker art Love Confessions #39 - Matt Baker art Reviewed by Ted F on 10:53 PM Rating: 5

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