Omac #7 - Jack Kirby art & cover + 1st Doctor Skuba

Omac v1 #7 dc bronze age comic book cover art by Jack Kirby
Jack Kirby
Omac v1 #7, 1975 - The diabolical Doctor Skuba invents a molecule-compressor that can fit the world's lakes, rivers and oceans into small boxes held for ransom. Jack Kirby's creative plot extends into his artwork. Less fight-oriented than previous issues, his imagery is nonetheless impressive, from Omac's struggle to lift the small compartments (pages 4-6) to three masterful splash pages. Most spectacularly, Kirby fills a two-page spread with a recently emptied bay, still dripping with remnants of colorful sea creatures. This is 7 of 8 Omac issues by Kirby. /// key 1st appearance Doctor Skuba / Kirby gallery
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Kirby cover pencils (D. Bruce Berry inks) = ***
"The Ocean Stealers"
Kirby story pencils (D. Bruce Berry inks) 18 pages = ***

Omac v1 #7 dc bronze age comic book page art by Jack Kirby
Jack Kirby
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Omac #7 - Jack Kirby art & cover + 1st Doctor Skuba Omac #7 - Jack Kirby art & cover + 1st Doctor Skuba Reviewed by Ted F on 11:53 AM Rating: 5

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