The World Around Us #32 / For Gold and Glory - Jack Kirby art

The World Around Us #32
The World Around Us v1 #32 / For Gold and Glory, 1961 - Mostly set in the ancient Americas, this special issue tells of the search for gold by both natives and Europeans. Jack Kirby illustrates two short tales on the Mayans. While adequate, the simplicity of his style suffers by comparison to the more realistically drawn stories. The rigid format also doesn't help, resulting in timid and mediocre layouts. Other artists in this issue include George Evans, Gray Morrow and Sam Glanzman. This is 3 of 5 World Around Us issues by Kirby.
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"The Mayas" Kirby story pencils (Dick Ayers inks) 2 pages = **
"Omens of Evil" Kirby story pencils
(Dick Ayers inks) 5 pages = **
"Desert Treasure pt 2" Kirby story pencils (Dick Ayers inks) 5 pages = **
"A Balancing Act" Kirby story pencils (Dick Ayers inks) 5 pages = **

 Jack Kirby
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The World Around Us #32 / For Gold and Glory - Jack Kirby art The World Around Us #32 / For Gold and Glory - Jack Kirby art Reviewed by Ted F on 12:22 PM Rating: 5

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