Quick-Trigger Western #16 - Jack Kirby art

Quick-Trigger Western #16
Quick-Trigger Western v1 #16, 1957 - An indian chief signs a peace pact with the white community, while malicious gunrunners plan to derail it for their own profit. Jack Kirby, in his only artwork for the series, does a terrific job. His distinctive style fills a variety of panel shapes that brings additional interest. Kirby perfectly captures the ferocity of riders on the warpath on page 2 panel 2, even extending their figures into surrounding panels. The story inks look familiar, quite possibly by longtime partner Joe Simon. Other artists in this golden age comic include Gene Colan, Joe Orlando and Jay Scott Pike. Cover by John Severin. This is 1 of 1 Quick-Trigger Western issues by Kirby.
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"The Vengeance of Growling Bear" Kirby story pencils (Joe Simon inks) 5 pages = ***

 Jack Kirby
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Quick-Trigger Western #16 - Jack Kirby art Quick-Trigger Western #16 - Jack Kirby art Reviewed by Ted Ignacio @ Pencil Ink on 2:31 PM Rating: 5

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