Uncle Scrooge #20 - Carl Barks art & cover

Carl Barks
Walt Disney's Uncle Scrooge v1 #20, 1957 - Does Scrooge still have what it takes to make money? He and Donald have a sales competition, selling their wares in the remotest part of Indochina. Carl Barks' drawings of the native clothing and architecture appears dutifully researched. While the artwork overall is less fervent, Uncle Scrooge's arrival on a herd of elephants is impressive (page 23). Following the lead feature, Gyro Gearloose invents a robot servant that follows his commands a little too closely. This is 20 of 70 Uncle Scrooge issues by Barks.
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Barks cover pencils and inks = ***
"City of Golden Roofs" Barks story pencils and inks 26 pages = ***
Untitled Gyro Gearloose story Barks pencils and inks 11 pages = ***

Carl Barks
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Uncle Scrooge #20 - Carl Barks art & cover Uncle Scrooge #20 - Carl Barks art & cover Reviewed by Ted F on 9:13 AM Rating: 5

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