Iron Fist #5 - John Byrne art + 1st Scimitar

Iron Fist #5

Iron Fist v1 #5, 1976 - Searching for Colleen Wing in London, Iron Fist crosses paths with an angry swordsman intent on killing him. Scimitar. self-proclaimed master of bladed weapons, makes his first appearance here. John Byrne employs small, sequential panels to show off the hero's martial arts moves. Though a bit overdone, it seems more appropriate than other Marvel super-hero titles. The story's highlight is the opening splash (see interior page below), depicting Iron Fist moving stealthily along the rooftops. Cover by Gil Kane. This is 5 of 15 Iron Fist issues by Byrne. /// key 1st appearance, 1st cover Scimitar / Byrne gallery
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"When Slays the Scimitar" Byrne story pencils (Frank Chiaramonte inks) 17 pages = **

Iron Fist #5 bronze age 1970s marvel comic book page art by John Byrne
John Byrne / 1st Scimitar
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Iron Fist #5 - John Byrne art + 1st Scimitar Iron Fist #5 - John Byrne art + 1st Scimitar Reviewed by Ted F on 4:04 PM Rating: 5

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