X-Men #122 - John Byrne art

X-men v1 #122 marvel comic book cover art by John Byrne
X-men #122
X-Men v1 #122, 1979 - Returning to New York City, the X-men spend some time apart during a brief respite. Storm makes her way to Harlem, running afoul of drug addicts as she traces her roots. John Byrne once again comes through with individualized characters and diverse settings. Scotland, Manhattan and a far flung planet are all drawn with great care. Byrne's opening splash of Colossus is merely adequate, but his scenes of a decrepit drug lair are brutally stark. Power Man and Misty Knight also make guest appearances. Cover by Dave Cockrum. This is 14 of 35 X-men issues by Byrne
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"Cry for the Children" Byrne story pencils (Terry Austin inks) 17 pages = ***

X-men v1 #122 marvel comic book page art by John Byrne
John Byrne
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X-Men #122 - John Byrne art X-Men #122 - John Byrne art Reviewed by Ted F on 9:11 AM Rating: 5

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