Doctor Strange v2 #30 - Frank Brunner cover

Frank Brunner  bronze age 1970s marvel comic book cover art - Doctor Strange v2 #30
Frank Brunner
Doctor Strange v2 #30, 1978 - On this Frank Brunner cover, the view from inside a manhole is not evident. This is reinforced by the lack of foreshortening on Doctor Strange and Clea. The circular opening does provide a convenient frame, but overall Brunner falls short of expectations. Other artists in this issue include Tom Sutton. This is 10 of 11 Doctor Strange v2 issues by Brunner. /// Brunner gallery
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Brunner cover pencils and inks = **

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Doctor Strange v2 #30 - Frank Brunner cover Doctor Strange v2 #30 - Frank Brunner cover Reviewed by Ted F on 1:56 PM Rating: 5

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