Daredevil #170 - Frank Miller art & cover

Daredevil v1 #170 kingpin marvel comic book cover art by Frank Miller
Frank Miller
Daredevil v1 #170, 1981 - The Kingpin returns to New York, turning over evidence that would convict his former cronies. Frank Miller continues to hone his design skills, starting with the opening splash of DD in his urban environment. Settings such as a Japanese household (pages 10-12) and the stark interiors of a high-rise (pages 21-23) benefit from his clever use of geometric patterns. Some panels are more detailed than others but Miller's work continues to evolve. This is 12 of 33 Daredevil issues by Miller.
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Miller cover pencils (Klaus Janson inks) = **
"The Kingpin Must Die"
Miller story pencils (Klaus Janson inks) 22 pages = ***

Daredevil v1 #170 marvel comic book page art by Frank Miller
Frank Miller
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Daredevil #170 - Frank Miller art & cover Daredevil #170 - Frank Miller art & cover Reviewed by Ted F on 7:44 PM Rating: 5

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