Creatures on the Loose #10 |
Creatures on the Loose v1 #10, 1971 - Continued from the mystery series
Tower of Shadows, this Marvel bronze age title would feature fantasy tales and Atlas monster reprints from the 1960s. King
Kull makes his first full appearance in this issue (after a cameo in
Conan #1), becoming Marvel's second sword and sorcery hero.
Bernie Wrightson does an admirable job with his premiere, employing a variety of techniques different from his DC work. His drawings are looser, bolder, and incorporate more complex backgrounds. This Roy Thomas story was later reprinted in black and white in
Savage Tales #2. A
Jack Kirby reprint from
Tales to Astonish #21 fills out the rest of the book. Cover by Marie Severin. This is 1 of 1
Creatures on the Loose issues by
Wrightson. Kull would soon debut his own self-titled
series. ///
key 1st appearance in comics, 1st cover Kull,
1st issue /
unpublished cover
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"The Skull Of Silence" Wrightson story pencils, 7 pages = ****
Bernie Wrightson |
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1 comment:
I bought the comic in 1971, and the cover has always been a bit of a puzzle. It has the initials "TS" which rules it out as a Marie Severin solo effort. GCD suggests that "TS" stands for "Trimpe/Severin," although another contributor to GCD suggests "Tom Sutton" as a possibility. I've always seen it as a Sutton cover. Again, it's a bit of a puzzle, because I don't recall Sutton doing covers for Marvel during that period, while Trimpe and Severin were staffers and utility players at that time. Still, I have to go with Sutton, because the pencils don't seem anything like Trimpe, and both the pencils and inks do seem like Sutton to me.
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