Conan the Barbarian #1 - Barry Windsor Smith art & cover + 1st appearance

Conan the Barbarian #1 Barry Smith marvel key issue 1970s bronze age comic book cover - 1st appearance
Barry Windsor Smith
Conan the Barbarian v1 #1, 1970 - With this first issue, Robert E. Howard's Conan would establish a new genre and become the first major barbarian hero in comics. Artist Barry Smith, still developing his talents, brings a youthful enthusiasm to the series. His cover, in typical fashion, emphasizes the title character. The artist struggles with figure drawing and foreshortening but compensates with an exciting, kinetic layout. Smith's spontaneity continues inside with swiftly paced sequences and layouts. Although clearly influenced by Jack Kirby, his drawings hint at a style uniquely his own. Note that King Kull makes his first appearance in a single flashback panel. This Roy Thomas story was later reprinted in Conan the Barbarian #22. Note that an earlier Conan prototype by Smith also appeared in Chamber of Darkness #4. This is 1 of 20 Conan the Barbarian issues by Smith. /// key 1st appearance in comics, 1st cover Conan, 1st issueSmith gallery
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Smith cover pencils (John Verpoorten inks) = ***
"The Coming of Conan" Smith story pencils (Dan Adkins inks) 20 pages = ***

Conan the Barbarian #1 Barry Smith marvel key issue 1970s bronze age comic book page - 1st appearance
Barry Windsor Smith
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Conan the Barbarian #1 - Barry Windsor Smith art & cover + 1st appearance Conan the Barbarian #1 - Barry Windsor Smith art & cover + 1st appearance Reviewed by Ted F on 10:23 PM Rating: 5


Anonymous said...

Cover inks by John Verpoorten, not Dan Adkins

Ted Ignacio @ Pencil Ink said...

Confirm it. Corrected it, Thanks.

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