Wagon Train #5 - Alex Toth art

Wagon Train #5
Wagon Train v1 #5, 1960 - Like many Dell Publishing issues during the 1950s and 1960s, this western series coincided with a network television show. The photographic cover features lead actors Ward Bond and Robert Horton. Inside, Alex Toth's short story is the smallest contribution, sandwiched between two main features. His hurried, loosely rendered drawings lack much needed definition. Backgrounds are minimal and page layouts are also disappointingly mediocre. Although a longtime veteran of silver age westerns, this is far from Toth's best effort. Photo cover. This is 1 of 1 Wagon Train issues by Toth.
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"The Calculating Killer" Toth story pencils and inks 4 pages = **

Wagon Train v1 #5 dell western commic book page art by Alex Toth
Alex Toth
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Wagon Train #5 - Alex Toth art Wagon Train #5 - Alex Toth art Reviewed by Ted F on 9:22 AM Rating: 5

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