Tomb of Dracula #6 - Neal Adams cover

Neal Adams
Tomb of Dracula v1 #6, 1973 - The title character leans over his victim, only to be startled by a monstrosity. Neal Adams' superb drawing is a tad looser than his other bronze age covers for Marvel. The inks suggest another hand, perhaps frequent collaborator Dick Giordano. Curiously, the lighting on the figures is inconsistent, with the monster lit from below, Dracula from the right and the woman not at all. Despite that small distraction, Adams does an aesthetically pleasing job overall. Other artists in this bronze age comic include Gene Colan and Tom Palmer. This is 3 of 3 Tomb of Dracula issues by Adams.
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Adams cover pencils (DIck GIordano inks) = ***

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Tomb of Dracula #6 - Neal Adams cover Tomb of Dracula #6 - Neal Adams cover Reviewed by Ted F on 3:38 PM Rating: 5

1 comment:

Danman said...

I agree- looks like Giordano inks.

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