Heroic Comics #33 - Alex Toth art

Heroic Comics #33
Heroic Comics v1 #33, 1945Alex Toth delivers three stories of varying lengths in this issue. All are war-themed tales and all struggle with the rudiments of drawing and page design. Despite the lack of artistic skill, "He Brought Them Home" at least displays more effort and enthusiasm. The drawings are marginally better and more detailed. Other artists in this issue include Woody Gelman, Harvey Fuller and others. This is 2 of 13 Heroic Comics issues by Toth.
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"Pruitt Gets a Pass" Toth story pencils and inks 4 pages = *
"He Brought Them Home" Toth story pencils and inks 3 pages = **
"Ridin' High" Toth story pencils and inks 1 page = *

Alex Toth
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Heroic Comics #33 - Alex Toth art Heroic Comics #33 - Alex Toth art Reviewed by Ted Ignacio @ Pencil Ink on 1:00 AM Rating: 5

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