G.I. Combat #116 - Joe Kubert cover

Joe Kubert
G.I. Combat v1 #116, 1966 - Spotlighting the Haunted Tank, Joe Kubert captures the brute force of colliding armory. The inset on the left somewhat detracts from the action, but re-acquaints readers with the central characters. Note how the tumbling rocks below reinforce the scene's precipitousness. Other artists in this silver age comic include Russ Heath. This is 45 of 190 G.I. Combat issues by Kubert.
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Kubert cover pencils and inks = ***

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G.I. Combat #116 - Joe Kubert cover G.I. Combat #116 - Joe Kubert cover Reviewed by Ted Ignacio @ Pencil Ink on 10:00 PM Rating: 5

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