Adventure Comics #432 - Alex Nino art

Adventure Comics #432
Adventure Comics v1 #432, 1974 - Sold as a slave to a Spanish plantation owner, Captain Fear bides his time as plans his escape and revenge. Alex Nino continues to illustrate the back-up feature on this long-running DC series. Graphically drawn, the artist captures the era (1700s) and Caribbean setting quite effectively. The opening page, with its slow sequence from close-up to long range view, is the highlight of the tale. Other artists in this bronze age comic include Jim Aparo. This is 5 of 6 Adventure Comics issues by Nino.
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"Night of the Slaves" Nino story pencils and inks 7 pages = ***

Alex Nino
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Adventure Comics #432 - Alex Nino art Adventure Comics #432 - Alex Nino art Reviewed by Ted Ignacio @ Pencil Ink on 8:02 AM Rating: 5

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