Superboy #250 - Jim Starlin art

Superboy #250
Superboy (and the Legion of Super-Heroes) v1 #250, 1979 - This special 250th issue picks up the storyline first started in Superboy #239. When a destructive creature called Omega nears Earth, not even the combined might of Superboy and Mon-El can stop him. Jim Starlin (under the name of Steve Apollo) provides tight layouts. Dave Hunt's inks have a softening effect on the drawings, but don't impede the sequencing. the work could have benefited from Starlin's greater involvement. Cover by Joe Staton and Dick Giordano. This is 3 of 4 Superboy issues by Starlin.
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"This is the Day the Universe Dies" Starlin story pencils (Dave Hunt) inks 19 pages = **

Jim Starlin
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Superboy #250 - Jim Starlin art Superboy #250 - Jim Starlin art Reviewed by Ted Ignacio @ Pencil Ink on 6:17 PM Rating: 5

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