Detective Comics #442 - Alex Toth, Walt Simonson art, Jack Kirby reprint

Detective Comics #442
Detective Comics v1 #442, 1974 - When a ghostly WWI-era biplane begins to shoot people, the Caped Crusader flies into action to stop the carnage. In this only solo Batman story, Alex Toth tries a variety of visual techniques, some more effective than others. In the title splash page, the figure drawing seems clumsy and the typography forced. That aside, most of the art is nicely executed. Not surprisingly, the best scenes showcase planes and aeronautics (see interior page below). In a separate tale, Manhunter arrives in Japan, where he confronts his martial arts teacher and mentor Asano Nitobe. Walt Simonson delivers an exceptional work full of texture and detail. His sequencing is equally masterful, leading up to next issue's conclusion. This story was later reprinted in Manhunter #1 and Manhunter Special Edition #1. Lastly, this issue also includes a Jack Kirby reprint from Star Spangled Comics #21. This is 6 of 12 Detective Comics issues by Simonson and 1 of 1 Detective Comics issues by Toth. /// Simonson gallery / original Simonson page
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"Death Flies the Haunted Sky" Toth story pencils and inks 11 pages = ***
"To Duel the Master" Simonson story pencils and inks 9 pages = ****
 Walt Simonson

Alex Toth
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Detective Comics #442 - Alex Toth, Walt Simonson art, Jack Kirby reprint Detective Comics #442 - Alex Toth, Walt Simonson art, Jack Kirby reprint Reviewed by Ted Ignacio @ Pencil Ink on 6:35 PM Rating: 5

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