Detective Comics #440 - Walt Simonson art, Jack Kirby, Alex Toth reprints

Detective Comics #440
Detective Comics v1 #440, 1974 - Continuing the ongoing Manhunter serial, Interpol agent Christine learns of a vast global conspiracy and subsequently joins forces with the resurrected hero. Walt Simonson continues to innovative, using carefully planned layouts and sequencing. Even the smallest panels become integral to the overall design. From the murder attempt in the alleyway (pages 1-2) to the Council's futuristic lair (page 3 splash) to the hand-to-hand combat scenes (page 6), Simonson's art excels. This story was later reprinted in both Manhunter #1 and Manhunter Special Edition #1. Also noteworthy are two fine golden age reprints from Green Lantern #37 (Alex Toth) and Adventure Comics #79 (Jack Kirby). Other artists in this comic include Jack Cole. Cover by Jim Aparo. This is 4 of 12 Detective Comics issues by Simonson. /// Simonson gallery
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"Rebellion" Simonson story pencils and inks 8 pages = ****

Walt Simonson
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Detective Comics #440 - Walt Simonson art, Jack Kirby, Alex Toth reprints Detective Comics #440 - Walt Simonson art, Jack Kirby, Alex Toth reprints Reviewed by Ted Ignacio @ Pencil Ink on 3:58 PM Rating: 5

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