Marvel Team-Up #70 - John Byrne art & cover

John Byrne
Marvel Team-Up v1 #70, 1978 - Transformed into the Living Monolith, Professor Abdol proceeds to decimate the city with only Thor and Spider-Man to stop him. John Byrne makes an admirable effort, but his pencils are diminished by Tony DeZuniga's inks. The opening splash and certain layouts nicely highlight the villain's size and scale. Beyond that, the finished art lacks both clarity and stability. Byrne's style emerges now and again but not enough to compensate. This is 15 of 22 Marvel Team-Up issues by Byrne. /// Byrne gallery
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Byrne cover pencils (Tom Palmer inks) = *
"Whom Gods Destroy" Byrne story pencils (Tony DeZuniga inks) 17 pages = *

John Byrne
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Marvel Team-Up #70 - John Byrne art & cover Marvel Team-Up #70 - John Byrne art & cover Reviewed by Ted F on 9:17 AM Rating: 5

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