Batman #377 - Don Newton art

Batman #377
Batman v1 #377, 1984 - Nocturna petitions the court to legally adopt Jason Todd, over the objections of an irate Bruce Wayne. Don Newton's style emerges in sporadic panels throughout the story. Mostly, his pencils are buried under Alfredo Alcala's inks. Newton's best page, not surprisingly, is the opening splash shown below. The central characters float on an almost dream-like tableau. Cover by Ed Hannigan and Dick Giordano. This is 31 of 32 Batman issues by Newton.
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"The Slayer of Night" Newton story pencils (Alfredo Alcala inks) 23 pages = **

Don Newton
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Batman #377 - Don Newton art Batman #377 - Don Newton art Reviewed by Ted Ignacio @ Pencil Ink on 12:00 AM Rating: 5

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