Showcase #76 - 1st Bat Lash

Showcase #76
Showcase v1 #76, 1968 - DC's most unusual western hero, Bat Lash traverses the old west seeking the best food, wine and women. He claims to abhor violence, then commits to it when it suits him. His fine taste and clothing gets him into trouble, but his considerable gunfighting skills usually gets him out. Sergio Aragonés wrote and laid out this story, Nick Cardy drew the finished art and cover. This issue predates Bat Lash's first self-titled series. /// key 1st appearance1st origin, 1st cover Bat Lash
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"Bat Lash" 23 pages

1st Bat Lash
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Showcase #76 - 1st Bat Lash Showcase #76 - 1st Bat Lash Reviewed by Ted Ignacio @ Pencil Ink on 12:00 AM Rating: 5

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