Teen-age Romances #43 - Matt Baker cover & reprints

Matt Baker
Teen-age Romances v1 #43, 1955 - Although the series nears the end of its run, this issue features a clever new Matt Baker cover. While in school, a teenager's romantic daydreams are captured on the wall paper behind her. The negative images require some effort, but perfectly contrast her colorful figure. Each diamond shape seems painstakingly drawn and composed. Conceptually and aesthetically, this Baker cover deserves an A+. Note also that the interiors also contain two Baker tales from Teen-Age Romances #6. This is 40 of 42 Teen-age Romances issues by Baker
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Baker cover pencils and inks = *****

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Teen-age Romances #43 - Matt Baker cover & reprints Teen-age Romances #43 - Matt Baker cover & reprints Reviewed by Ted Ignacio @ Pencil Ink on 8:59 AM Rating: 5

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