Batman #328 - Don Newton art, Joe Kubert cover

Joe Kubert
Batman v1 #328, 1980 - Commissioner Gordon gets help from the Batman to solve one of his first cases as a police officer. A murdered man, missing jewels and a thief gone insane bring them to a long abandoned subway line. Don Newton's artwork shines on this shorter back-up story. Gordon's final confrontation with his past is deftly handled on page 7. Joe Kubert's cover, with its colorful quadrants, is much too convoluted. This story was later reprinted in Tales of the Batman: Don Newton #1 and Tales of the Batman: Marv Wolfman #1. Other artists in this issue include Irv Novick and Bob Smith. This is 3 of 32 Batman issues by Newton. /// original page
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Kubert cover pencils and inks = **
"A Tale of Time Past" Newton story pencils (Kim Demulder inks) 8 pages = ***

Don Newton
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Batman #328 - Don Newton art, Joe Kubert cover Batman #328 - Don Newton art, Joe Kubert cover Reviewed by Ted Ignacio @ Pencil Ink on 12:02 PM Rating: 5

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Batman #328 was published in 1980 not 1978

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