Personal Love #11 - Alex Toth art

Personal Love #11
Personal Love v1 #11, 1951 - Arriving in Miami, a young woman receives the attention of both a dashing millionaire and a lowly elevator operator. Most of the settings occur on beachfronts and sailboats, giving Alex Toth the chance to illustrate the leisurely life. In the most compelling scenes, the artist employs shadows and textures when a tropical storm arrives, then quickly follows up with lighter, open panels in the aftermath. While certain pages appear to be inked by someone else (?), Toth's work as a whole is steady and self-assured. Interestingly, the artist signs the first panel as "Hawk". The photo cover features actors Gene Tierney and Glenn Ford. Other artists in this golden age comic include Harold LeDoux and Morris Weiss. This is 1 of 1 Personal Love issues by Toth.
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"I Struck It Rich" Toth story pencils and inks 9 pages = ***
Personal Love v1 #11 golden age romance comic book page art by Alex Toth
Alex Toth
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Personal Love #11 - Alex Toth art Personal Love #11 - Alex Toth art Reviewed by Ted Ignacio @ Pencil Ink on 9:02 AM Rating: 5

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