Kull and the Barbarians #3 - 1st Red Sonja origin

Kull and the Barbarians #3
Kull and the Barbarians v1 #3, 1975 - Beyond the main feature, a back-up Red Sonja tale fills out the rest of the book. On one of her earliest journeys, she encounters the man responsible for the deaths of her entire family. She recalls that dark day and a subsequent mystical event that would transform her forever. As a result, she becomes the deadliest sword-wielding woman of the barbarian age. This Doug Moench story was drawn by Howard Chaykin. /// key 1st origin Red Sonja
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"The Day of the Sword" 14 pages (black and white)

1st Red Sonja origin
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Kull and the Barbarians #3 - 1st Red Sonja origin Kull and the Barbarians #3 - 1st Red Sonja origin Reviewed by Ted Ignacio @ Pencil Ink on 6:07 PM Rating: 5

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