Planet of the Apes #8 - Mike Ploog art

Planet of the Apes #8

7.  Planet of the Apes v1 #8, 1975 - With the gorilla soldier Brutus as prisoner, Jason and his friends begin an all-out assault on the Inheritors, gigantic brains that rule an underground society. Mike Ploog delivers another outstanding issue, utilizing a pencil(?) technique that conveys greater depth and feeling. Various shades of gray bring a rich, textural quality to the work. Despite the risk of losing fine details in reproduction, the drawings are surprisingly clear. Nearly every page maintains a high artistic standard, a testament to Ploog's talent. Following the lead story, an adaptation of the film Beneath the Planet of the Apes begins. Other artists in this issue include Alfredo Alcala. Cover by Earl Norem. This is 6 of 10 Planet of the Apes issues by Ploog. /// Top 10 Ploog comics / Ploog gallery
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"The Planet Inheritors" Ploog story pencils and inks 23 pages (black and white) = *****

Planet of the Apes v1 #8 curtis magazine page art by Mike Ploog
Mike Ploog
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Planet of the Apes #8 - Mike Ploog art Planet of the Apes #8 - Mike Ploog art Reviewed by Ted F on 9:19 AM Rating: 5

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