The Texan #11 - Matt Baker art & cover

Matt Baker golden age 1950s st. john western comic book cover art - Texan #11
Matt Baker
The Texan v1 #11, 1950 - This terrific Matt Baker cover highlights some of the characters featured inside. Oddly, the title character of The Texan is relegated to secondary status on the left. The lead story opens with an especially fine splash page, starring the indian brave Hawk Knife. All three stories feature heroic men and attractive women set against frontier landscapes. Baker's supple drawing style adds a quaint romanticism to these western genre tales. Other artists in this golden age western comic include John Forte. This is 7 of 11 Texan issues by Baker. /// Baker gallery
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Baker cover pencils and inks = ***
"Bad Blood Brews a Massacre"
Baker story pencils 9 pages = ***
"The Texan"
Baker story pencils 8 pages = ***
The Ruse of the Snake River Raiders" Baker story pencils 7 pages = ***

Matt Baker golden age 1950s st. john western comic book page - Texan #11
Matt Baker
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The Texan #11 - Matt Baker art & cover The Texan #11 - Matt Baker art & cover Reviewed by Ted F on 2:11 PM Rating: 5

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