Spectacular Spider-man v2 #51 - Frank Miller cover

Spectacular Spider-man v2 #51 marvel 1980s comic book cover art by Frank Miller
Frank Miller
Peter Parker, The Spectacular Spider-man v2 #51, 1981 - One of Frank Miller's more dynamic layouts, Spider-man battles Mysterio against an illusory background of outer space. A large planet conveniently frames the masthead and arcs down toward the title character. Note how the villain's cape radiates out toward the reader, adding some limited perspective. Other artists in this issue include Marie Severin and Jim Mooney. This is 6 of 12 Spectacular Spider-man issues by Miller. /// Miller gallery
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Miller cover pencils (Al Milgrom? inks) = ***

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Spectacular Spider-man v2 #51 - Frank Miller cover Spectacular Spider-man v2 #51 - Frank Miller cover Reviewed by Ted F on 7:46 PM Rating: 5

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