Planet of the Apes #6 - Mike Ploog art

Planet of the Apes #6

6.  Planet of the Apes v1 #6, 1975 - Picking up the storyline from issue four, Jason, Alex and the Lawgiver take refuge a river society of apes and humans. A brief recap of prior events helps new readers catch up (see interior page below). In a bold move, Mike Ploog illustrates the tale in pencil, most noticeably on page 3 and beyond. The resulting work is extraordinary, full of nuance and texture. Fine strokes and cross-hatching are more clearly seen, augmented by light background shading. Finished pencils often suffer a loss of detail in reproduction, but the negative effects seem minimal in this case. Ploog's drawings also benefit from added depth and dimension, making this one of his greatest works. Other artists in this issue include George Tuska, Mike Esposito. Cover by Bob Larkin. This is 5 of 10 Planet of the Apes issues by Ploog. /// Top 10 Ploog comics / Ploog gallery
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"Malaguena Beyond a Zone Forbidden" Ploog story pencils and inks 20 pages (black and white) = *****

Planet of the Apes v1 #6 curtis magazine page art by Mike Ploog
Mike Ploog
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Planet of the Apes #6 - Mike Ploog art Planet of the Apes #6 - Mike Ploog art Reviewed by Ted F on 11:57 AM Rating: 5


joe ackerman said...

I love Mike Ploog's Planet of the Apes stuff. I was lucky enough to spend a few hours with Mike a year or so back; he seemed genuinely suprised when I brought up the Apes in conversation, everyone else that day kept asking about Ghost Rider ( the film hadn't been out all that long, at the time ). the man was everything you ever wanted your favourite comic artists to be, he was funny, warm, full of juicy anecdotes ( he showed me Sergio Aragones' script for the Spirit issue he was working on ), and generous ( I have sketches of both the Werewolf AND a gorilla general! ). I've nothing but praise for both the man himself and his work.

terrific wee post, sir.

Ted F said...

Ploog was so instrumental in the success of many of Marvel's 1970s anti-heroes: Werewolf by Night, Ghost Rider, Man-Thing, and Frankenstein. His Planet of the Apes issues from the same era have been largely overlooked, perhaps due to the magazine format? I was delighted to see several POTA issues were both pencilled and inked by Ploog, which seemed uncommon at the time. Thanks for your comments.

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