Ghosts #92 - Don Newton art

Ghosts #92

Ghosts v1 #92, 1980 - An English lord, refusing to sell his castle, resorts to scaring off potential buyers with a fake ghost. The artwork has an appropriately noble feel thanks to Don Newton's sophisticated pencils. Although his opening page is a bit dull, subsequent pages and panels show a mastery of characters' facial expressions. Newton's pencils are further enhanced by Frank Chiaramonte's polished inking. Other artists in this copper age comic include Charles Nicholas, Kim DeMulder, Romeo Tanghal and Tenny Henson. Cover by Don Heck. This is 1 of 2 Ghosts issues by Newton.
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"The Ghost Who Tricked Himself" Newton story pencils (Frank Chiaramonte inks) 6 pages = ***

Don Newton
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Ghosts #92 - Don Newton art Ghosts #92 - Don Newton art     Reviewed by Ted F on 1:12 PM Rating: 5

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