Monster Times #4 - Jeff Jones art

Monster Times #4
Monster Times v1 #4, 1972 - A newspaper format fanzine for horror movie aficionados, Monster Times mostly contained articles and photos. This issue features an article on the Bride of Frankenstein. Interior pages were typically black and white. In this issue, Jeff Jones contributes a stunning two page story in color. Inspired by Edgar Allen Poe, a man takes action against his nagging wife. Based on a simple six panel grid. Jones' illustrations are bold, painterly and high contrast. This story continues in the next issue of this bronze age fanzine. This is 1 of 2 Monster Times issues by Jones.
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"A Gnawing Obsession" Jones story pencils and inks 2 pages = *****

Jeff Jones
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Monster Times #4 - Jeff Jones art Monster Times #4 - Jeff Jones art Reviewed by Ted Ignacio @ Pencil Ink on 1:00 AM Rating: 5

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