Marvel Premiere #49 - Frank Miller cover + 1st Falcon solo

Frank Miller
Marvel Premiere v1 #49, 1979 - Much to their surprise, the Falcon swoops down among the denizens of Harlem. Frank Miller takes your typical centralized layout and enhances it with telling background details. The woman dropping her groceries adds levity, as does the tricycle-riding child right beside her. In his first solo story, the Falcon fails to save a foreign diplomat and vows to find his killer. This Mark Evanier story was drawn by Sal Buscema and Dave Simons. This is 1 of 3 Marvel Premiere issues by Miller. /// key 1st solo Falcon
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Miller cover pencils and inks = ***
"Sound of the Silencer" 18 pages
1st Falcon solo
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Marvel Premiere #49 - Frank Miller cover + 1st Falcon solo Marvel Premiere #49 - Frank Miller cover + 1st Falcon solo Reviewed by Ted F on 10:10 PM Rating: 5

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