Balder the Brave #3 - Walt Simonson cover, mis-attributed art

Walt Simonson
Balder the Brave v1 #3, 1986 - Poorly drawn and composed, this Walt Simonson cover appears too quickly executed. A plethora of background figures compete with the two combatants below. The antagonist's glinting sword is irrelevant to the story and completely overdone. This disappointing effort, however, is not representative of the bulk of the artist's 1980s output. Despite comic book guides attributing the story art to Simonson, it's actually Sal Buscema. This is 3 of 4 Balder the Brave issues by Simonson.
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Simonson cover pencils and inks = **

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Balder the Brave #3 - Walt Simonson cover, mis-attributed art Balder the Brave #3 - Walt Simonson cover, mis-attributed art Reviewed by Ted Ignacio @ Pencil Ink on 3:56 PM Rating: 5

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