The Unexpected #192 - non-attributed Nestor Redondo art

Unexpected #192

The Unexpected v1 #192, 1979 - Two men struggle against boredom on a remote plantation. Even within a single page, Nestor Redondo includes just enough detail and information to clearly establish the story's setting. Other artists in this bronze age comic include E.R. Cruz, Danny Tolentino, Ric Estrada, Rubeny, Irwin Hasen, Romeo Tanghal and Dave Hunt. Cover by Luis Domingez. This is 5 of 7 Unexpected issues by Redondo. /// Redondo gallery
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"Final Entry
" Redondo story pencils and inks 1 page = ***

Nestor Redondo
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The Unexpected #192 - non-attributed Nestor Redondo art The Unexpected #192 - non-attributed Nestor Redondo art Reviewed by Ted F on 1:45 PM Rating: 5

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