Red Sonja v3 #3 - Nestor Redondo art

Red Sonja v3 #3
Red Sonja v3 #3, 1983 - As invaders lay siege on the walled city of Alwazar, Red Sonja allies herself with its defenders. For a second time, Nestor Redondo provide the inks for Mary Wilshire's pencils/layouts, with splendid results. Most impressive is the two-page panoramic spread of the city (pages 2-3). Redondo's detailed landscape adds grandeur and scale, setting the story's tone from the beginning. Curiously, the artist only inks the first 19 of 38 total pages, relinquishing the rest to Rudy Nebres, Danny Bulanadi and Akin & Garvey. This is 2 of 2 Red Sonja v3 issues by Redondo.
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"Siege" Redondo partial story inks (Mary Wilshire pencils/layouts) 19 pages = ****

Nestor Redondo
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Red Sonja v3 #3 - Nestor Redondo art Red Sonja v3 #3 - Nestor Redondo art Reviewed by Ted Ignacio @ Pencil Ink on 3:21 PM Rating: 5

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