Uncle Scrooge #30 - Carl Barks art

Uncle Scrooge #30
Walt Disney's Uncle Scrooge v1 #30, 1960 - Donald Duck learns the oil trade accompanying Uncle Scrooge on a trip to the Sahara Desert. Devoid of a colorful setting, Carl Barks compensates by adding machinery and symbols of industry to the barren landscape. In the first of two back-up tales, Gyro Gearloose concocts an authentic Native American warpaint for a movie director. Page three contains the funniest panels as the experiment goes awry. Unexpectedly, with its faux frontier theme, the story is also the best drawn of the three. "Yoicks! The Fox" rounds out the book, a Scrooge foxhunt story that is arguably less memorable. This story was later reprinted in Walt Disney Comics Digest #17 and Uncle Scrooge #155. "Pipeline to Danger" was reprinted in Uncle Scrooge #100 and #146. This is 30 of 70 Uncle Scrooge issues by Barks.
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"Pipeline to Danger" Barks story pencils and inks 17 pages = ***
"War Paint" Barks story pencils and inks 4 pages = ***
"Yoicks! The Fox" Barks story pencils and inks 9 pages = ***

Carl Barks
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Uncle Scrooge #30 - Carl Barks art Uncle Scrooge #30 - Carl Barks art Reviewed by Ted F on 12:15 PM Rating: 5

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