House of Mystery #245 - Alex Nino art

House of Mystery #245
House of Mystery v1 #245, 1976 - A reclusive old woman is accused of witchcraft by her rural community. Meanwhile, her son's purchase from a demonic catalogue may be more than he bargained for. A fairly typical bronze age effort by Alex Nino, his use of elongated panels and graphic shapes is prevalent. The last page is a full page splash, a rarity among his DC works. Without spoiling the ending, I'll just say the final scene is a nightmarish vision worthy of H.P. Lovecraft. Other artists in this bronze age comic include Leo Duranova. This is 7 of 14 House of Mystery issues by Nino. /// Nino gallery / original page 
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"Check the J.C. Demon Catalogue Under Death" Nino story pencils and inks 7 pages = ***

Alex Nino
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House of Mystery #245 - Alex Nino art House of Mystery #245 - Alex Nino art Reviewed by Ted F on 7:30 PM Rating: 5

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