House of Mystery #259 - Don Newton art

House of Mystery #259
House of Mystery v1 #259, 1978 - This issue marks the last dollar comic of the series, boasting eighty pages of all new material. Among these is a sci-fi tale of space police arriving on a remote planet. Their memories of a peaceful community are shattered by the devastated remnants. Don Newton's layouts appear crowded at times, but does a passable job with the artwork. Bob Layton's inking brings cohesion to the pencils overall. Perhaps more noteworthy is an early work by Michael Golden. Other artists in this bronze age comic include Noly Panaligan, Ric Estrada, Romeo Tanghal, John Fuller, George Ruppert, Frank Chiaramonte, Vince Colletta, Juan Oritz, Ruben Yandoc and Dick Giordano. Cover by Joe Orlando. This is 1 of 3 House of Mystery issues by Newton.
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"Return to Camelot Seven
" Newton story pencils (Bob Layton inks) 5 pages = ***

Don Newton
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House of Mystery #259 - Don Newton art House of Mystery #259 - Don Newton art Reviewed by Ted F on 9:40 AM Rating: 5

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