Champions #14 - John Byrne art + 1st Swarm

Champions #14
The Champions v1 #14, 1977 -A villain called The Swarm endangers the city, requiring a certain amount of detail in depicting a mass of insects. Iceman debuts his new uniform, although it's nearly indistinguishable in fighting form. John Byrne's best drawn pages this issue showcase the Black Widow (see interior page below) and Ghost Rider (page 17), respectively. The massive swarm of killer bees in the final panel seems sadly anticlimactic. Mike Esposito comes on board as inker, using a less streamlined approach than his predecessor. This bronze age comic includes cover art by Gil Kane and Al Milgrom. This is 4 of 6 Champions issues by Byrne. /// key 1st appearance, 1st cover Swarm / Byrne gallery
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"The Creature called Swarm" Byrne story pencils (Mike Esposito inks) 17 pages = ***

Champions #14 marvel 1970s bronze age comic book page art by John Byrne
John Byrne
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Champions #14 - John Byrne art + 1st Swarm Champions #14 - John Byrne art + 1st Swarm Reviewed by Ted F on 5:32 PM Rating: 5

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