Black Fury #18 - Steve Ditko art

Black Fury #18
Black Fury v1 #18, 1958Steve Ditko contributes two tales to his final issue of this western series. The artist renders Black Fury in an intriguing graphic style, but other visual elements seem to be lacking. The first story is an especially low effort, with just the bare minimum of detail. "Strange Country", his second tale, begins much the same way with a first panel nearly devoid of background detail. The art gets progressively better with on the next three pages, combining thin strokes and black shapes to good effect. Other artists in this golden age western comic include Bill Molno and Sal Trapani. Cover by Ernie Hart. This is 3 of 3 Black Fury issues by Ditko.
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"Pursued" Ditko story pencils and inks 3 pages = **
"Strange Country" Ditko story pencils and inks 5 pages = ***

Black Fury v1 #18 charlton comic book page art by Steve Ditko
Steve Ditko
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Black Fury #18 - Steve Ditko art Black Fury #18 - Steve Ditko art Reviewed by Ted F on 2:56 PM Rating: 5

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