Midnight Tales #13 - Don Newton art

Midnight Tales #13
Midnight Tales v1 #13, 1975 - An ancient Egyptian scarab gives eternal life, but not eternal youth, to a wealthy landowner. The splash page opens to a convincing setting of colonial America, complete with period clothing and interiors. Don Newton illustrates the story with an early confidence and ability. His drawings of the main character are masterful, depicting him both at his height of power and his present-day loneliness. The landowner's aged face is appropriately withered, showing the ravages of several centuries. Other artists in this bronze age comic include include Joe Staton and Wayne Howard. This is 3 of 4 Midnight Tales issues by Newton
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"The Scarab" Newton story pencils (Dan Adkins inks) 6 pages = ***

Don Newton
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Midnight Tales #13 - Don Newton art Midnight Tales #13 - Don Newton art Reviewed by Ted F on 8:59 AM Rating: 5

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