Aztec Ace #3 - Nestor Redondo art

Aztec Ace #3
Aztec Ace v1 #3, 1984 - This eclectic sci-fi title heralds in a new penciler with the third issue. Dan Day employs a greater variety of layouts than his predecessor. Nestor Redondo's inks faithfully maintain a consistent look on the series. The complexity required in several scenes is demanding, but Redondo comes through. This is especially true on the fine statuary (pages 6-7) and Egyptian monuments (pages 10-11). This is 3 of 8 Aztec Ace issues by Redondo. /// Redondo gallery
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"Mummy Dust" Redondo story inks (Dan Day pencils) 28 pages = ***

Aztec Ace #3 Eclipse 1980s comic book page by Nestor Redondo
Nestor Redondo
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Aztec Ace #3 - Nestor Redondo art Aztec Ace #3 - Nestor Redondo art Reviewed by Ted F on 8:37 AM Rating: 5

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