Secrets of Haunted House #30 - Don Newton art

Secrets of Haunted House #30
Secrets of Haunted House v1 #30, 1980 Don Newton illustrates a tale of a modern witch who seeks to resurrect her dead lover. Unfortunately, the artist's opening page is poorly composed with a lack of emphasis on the main character. Thankfully, the remaining pages are better. Newton's facial expressions, combined with dramatic lighting, are skillfully drawn (see interior page below). Dan Adkins' inks are deserving of equal praise. Other artists in this copper age comic include Scott Hampton, Ernesto Patricio and Jess Jodloman. This is 1 of 1 Secrets of Haunted House issues by Newton.
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"For the Love of Arlo" Newton story pencils (Dan Adkins inks) 9 pages = ***

Don Newton
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Secrets of Haunted House #30 - Don Newton art Secrets of Haunted House #30 - Don Newton art Reviewed by Ted F on 5:10 PM Rating: 5

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