Strange Tales #152 - Jim Steranko art

Strange Tales #152
Strange Tales v1 #152 featuring Nick Fury & Doctor Strange, 1967 - Jim Steranko's second Nick Fury tale is unfortunately not much better than his first. Perhaps Jack Kirby's layouts are too frenetic, attempting to squeeze in as many panels as possible. The final page is the worst, with the amount of dialogue suppressing the visuals. Still, there are bright spots: Steranko's use of texture and pattern on many panels add visual interest. His opening shot of an upside down Fury is creatively set inside an aircraft cockpit. This story was later reprinted in Shield #4. Other artists in this issue include Bill Everett. This is 2 of 18 Strange Tales issues by Steranko. /// Steranko gallery
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"The Power of Shield" Steranko story pencils and inks 12 pages = **

Strange Tales v1 #152 nick fury shield comic book page art by Jim Steranko
Jim Steranko
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Strange Tales #152 - Jim Steranko art Strange Tales #152 - Jim Steranko art Reviewed by Ted F on 1:25 PM Rating: 5


Artist Guy said...

I disagree on the critique of this issue. It is an awesome Strange Tales, because it has Steranko art! He was more than many comic artist, in that he was a Pop artist making comics, That is and was really rare. You may have a point about the dialog, but the dialog aside, it is a great book!

Ted Ignacio @ Pencil Ink said...

Thanks for sharing your opinion. Feel free to express your thoughts on other issues as well.

Daniel [] said...

A tangent: As a kid, I had the immediately thought that the Overkill Horn would be a way to prevent nuclear war. Whoever had one could set a dead-line, after which the Horn would be turned-on.

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